Romance in Motion

Romance in Motion
"The Singing Butler" - Jack Vettriano

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Reflection!

Today, my reflection is upon prayer.  There are so many things I have prayed for, I have prayed for peace and contentment, love and restoration, forgiveness and healing, the opening of minds, for the mending of hearts, miracles and understanding.

So many times we pray, and it seems God does not answer, but He does, it is just a matter of waiting.  Sometimes we hold onto ideas and sought after dreams for such a long time, we miss the answers.  I also believe sometimes people pray for change, when the change resides within themselves.  They pray for a better love, when in reality, they have the best God could ever offer.  They pray for different circumstances in their lives, when the direction they are moving, even though there may be pain and difficulty is the best route. 

Life is not always a smooth road, people are not always the most amiable and open minded. Sometimes, we are our own greatest stumbling block to happiness, love, wealth and success as we define it.  We need to learn to get out of our own way.  This is probably the toughest lesson to learn.  We usually always think we are right, but if you were to calculate the real percentage of times we are correct, what would be answer be? 

The words I have written here in all the various posts are written as guides for myself and all who read to reflect upon their own lives.  There are so many in my life who I truly love, admire and respect.   Some have only seen glimpses of my soul, and others, we have connected and our bond is eternal.  

This morning after coming home from church, I drove up to the cemetery, parked the car, turned off the engine and gazed at my grandmother’s grave.  She was my best friend, there is so much of her in me as there was I in her.  I loved her dearly!  We exchanged so many tears, so many embraces, I held her as she did me, and there was nothing she was unafraid to tell me.  Her husband, my grandfather died in 1952, I was born in 1963, unfortunately, I never knew him.  My grandmother adored him, she lived on to the age of 95 never re-married or sought the affections of another. She loved him with her whole heart and soul, and she taught me how to love with my whole heart and soul.

I have had my heart broken enough, and long to never have it broken by another woman ever again!  My last love stole a large piece of my soul because I gave it to her.  She had my whole heart, she had captured my mind and I am still not whole.  I read today, ‘happiness is when you make the other person believe they are reason for it.’  I suppose the reason for sharing this thought, is there is so much for me to learn.  We all make mistakes, none of us are perfect, nor will we ever be.  There is so much to my personality, only a couple of people in my life truly know me.  I have a magnetic personality, when on stage, I am truly best self, I enjoy the intimacy of really knowing my friends, I do have a deep personality, some think I am intense.  But those individuals have never seen the other side of me.  I love to dance, laugh, am very exciteable, love physical activity, wrestling with others, trudging up hills, hanging from trees, swimming, attempting daring exploits and enjoy moments of true ecstasy. 

So, what is a person like me to pray for?  I suppose praying for faith would be a good starting point.  My faith has been shaken, especially when literally hundreds upon hundreds of prayers seemed to never be answered as I thought they should be.  Next, real healing would be a good prayer; and perhaps for my friends to be unafraid to accept me as I am.

I am a writer, but no one ever writes me, do you know how sad that is.  Maybe it is because, when we write we reveal who we are, and some people are truly scared to do so, or perhaps they feel it is too intimate.  When I die my letters and thoughts and will remain, and those who know me and others who have never known  me will grow to find out whom I am, what the drivers in my life really were and how I loved.

Today, I encourage you to write.  If you must, only write a note to someone in your life, but also take time to begin to write a real letter with your deepest thoughts.  Take time to reveal a portion of who you are, sharing with someone and provide them encouragement to live a greater life.

Now, after you finish reading these words, take a moment to silently pray for God to give you strength to live a life of destiny.  Pray for a life filled with happiness, love, caring, understanding, giving, abundance and ecstasy.  Pray for the strength to forgive others as He has forgiven you and live with faith that today will be better than any other day in your life.  I challenge you to be unafraid to share who you are with those who are very special in your life.  This is your life - it is yours to live as you choose.

Live Brilliantly!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

'Great Lover'

I am a great lover, there is so much inside of me to give to you.
I am a great lover, my whole heart and soul awaits.
I am a great lover, you will find no one more true.
I am a great lover, my soul awaits you.
I am a great lover, I will cherish you.
You permeate my thoughts.
I will never let you go.
I will always be faithful.
I will always be true.
I am a great lover, you will never regret!
I am real.
I am sensitive.
I am passionate.
Take my hand, gaze deeply into my eyes…
I am a great lover, you know it.
Let me awake to your smile.
I long for your embrace.
I don’t want to walk down life’s road without you!
I am a great lover, and need you…
I am a great lover, no real arrogance, just truth.
I long for you…
Will you hold me today as I want to hold you?
You will never regret.
Together is better than living apart.
Let me love you.
And please love me too!
I am real, I hope you are real too!
Stop waiting for tomorrow,
As I am a great lover
And cannot wait to be with you!
Stars, Moonlight and You!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Today's Journey

I think most people are looking for something they will never find because the intent of their focus is not powerful enough to bring it into existence.  We all want health, wealth, happiness and love to be content and to discover peace in our souls.  The question is… what are we each truly doing to bring these feelings into our lives enriching our existence? 

Some people believe it is someone else that creates these feelings for them; that is why they must continually seek new relationship after new relationship hopelessly seeking a feeling of contentment.  It is true, long lasting loving relationships is one of the cornerstones of success in life, however to be long lasting, we must understand ourselves first.  Knowing this premise, we begin to ask ourselves some key questions.

Who are you? 
Who are you now?
Who are you becoming?
What would make you satisfied with your life?
Are you living the vision you had hoped for, and if not, why not?
What must you do to live the life of perfection you seek and acknowledge in your dreams?

We are each explorers on this earth, actually wild adventurers, some of us seek greater thrills than others, some of us only live half of a life by playing it safe.  Is playing it safe worth it?  There is so much to you and I, so much incredibly more than we are grasping.  Today, I challenge you to seriously ask yourself these questions and then honestly answer each of them one by one.

You are on the journey of lifetime right now, it just happens that journey is where you currently reside, and is dependent upon the daily allocation of your time.  Are you wasting your life?  Whose lives are you enriching, what great experience is bringing you a sense of fulfillment and inner-peace?  Are you laughing, smiling broadly and exuding happiness, or are you living an empty life in an emotional shell without the strength to push the lid off because your feelings have encased you into your own personal prison?  So what are you going to do about it?  Moping is not the answer, self pity maybe acceptable for awhile, but it does not challenge you to live beyond your doubts and fears.

More questions….
Who will be with you on your great journey?
What will your personality be like?
Will others be drawn to you, or would they rather run away?
Do you find yourself helping and uplifting others or hurting them?
What brings you satisfaction in life?
Will you be loved and how will you love?

If the real key to life is to love God, love yourself and love others, then why do you and I dedicate so much time to the nonsense of spiritually hurting ourselves by our own limiting beliefs and thoughts and petty complaints?  We are not here to belittle others and ourselves, rather our existence is to bring a piece of God to every relationship we have.  When we fail to bring God to each relationship, we fail ourselves and find torment rather than peaceful bliss and happiness.    

I want you to find peace and happiness, I want this for myself.  So, today as you reflect upon these questions, finally ask yourself what attributes of God do you possess and have the capability to give away to others you meet and draw into your life?  Upon your absence, how will you have impacted them, and did you make their lives better?  Did they discover more peace in their life because of your presence?

Peace to you my friend.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Living a life where we transcend ourselves gives way to a greater cause than merely existing here for the moment.  Living a life where we rise above our pettiness, selfishness and hurt will allow us to go beyond the self-imposed limitations we place upon ourselves.  Unforgiveness is like self-imposed prison sentence in a torture chamber of sorts.  We daily beat ourselves up for a multitude of lame reasons and only give power to the other person who in all truthfulness is never really affected by our internal hurt.

So how do we release this resentment we harbor?  I don’t claim to have the answers.  Most people always insist time heals wounds, but that is a fallacy; time heals nothing.  Real healing is determined by a choice we make to no longer hold to the hurt we have and overcome it by deciding to live in the presence of God.  Now, I know what you are thinking, I have really gone off the deep end this time.  But in reality, if we were to live our lives as if we are constantly in the presence of God, how would we change our thinking and our actions.

In the presence of God, we would praise Him for the magnificence of creation.  We would praise Him for our undeserved salvation and we would confess sin after sin.   Unfortunately, even in His presence, we would continue to sin, what a sad statement.  However, we would live far better lives realizing in His company, we would seek to always live to a higher standard rather than continue in our indolence.  We would discover the level of our faith and belief in the answering of our prayers would also skyrocket off the charts.  We would probably be more apt to believe in miracles and our prayer life would undoubtedly improve.  And in understanding all of this, become one of the biggest proponents of forgiveness.

So why do you and I continue to live in this quagmire of hurt when it is nothing more than nonsense? The reason why is our failure to evolve and to grow as human beings.  We would rather wallow in our hurt and pain and complain to others because of the hurt we feel, rather than to trust in God.  I am the worst to preach this message, because sometimes we fool ourselves into believing it feels better to be embittered rather than to release the hurt; as we feel we are entitled to embrace the personal violation against our dignity.  However, living an evolved life as if we were in the presence of God would cause us to live with far less pain.  We would trust Him more with the satisfaction of knowing He has a greater plan than we could ever imagine.

So, here we are in the court room of well-being, which life do we choose?  A life of hurt and resentment, or a life of trusting God and realizing the abundance He has in store is much greater than we could ever imagine.  Sure, it takes faith, the faith of a mustard seed, but with that faith and belief in God Almighty to lead us and bring us to a new place in our life, we find ourselves transformed.

I heard a sermon and the preacher said, “Fear is what makes hell work!” ‘Satan is the author of fear, fear is not okay!  Fear destroys…. It truly destroys.  The platform that holds fear up is selfishness, and fear is expressed through anger.  Don’t ask yourself what you are mad at, rather what you are afraid of.’  So what are we afraid of?  The truth!   The truth that some dream we have been chasing is not really the best for us; the truth that we are chasing too hard rather than to allow the pieces of the puzzle of our life to fall into place effortlessly.  The truth that those who have said they love us so much in reality do not.  So, who does that leave us to trust?  Only in God!   He is the only one who does not disappoint.

Overcoming hurt takes vision as we must mightily trust in God knowing that the right persons, circumstances, conditions, and opportunities are on their way to be unfolded before us.  Based upon this knowledge, we find peace, and in our waiting we pray and ask God to rejuvenate ourselves to help us become more and improve the state of our well-being.   Of course this takes patience, but if we get on our knees and pray intently knowing our prayers are already answered, then patience will not be needed.  Without doubt, we must trust God will answer!  His answer will come quicker than we realize.

Living a life where we transcend ourselves is to live in the presence of God, trusting Him and knowing all of our prayers are already answered.  And the answers are indeed the best for our lives. 

In this reassurance, may you and I both find peace.