Today, my reflection is upon prayer. There are so many things I have prayed for, I have prayed for peace and contentment, love and restoration, forgiveness and healing, the opening of minds, for the mending of hearts, miracles and understanding.
So many times we pray, and it seems God does not answer, but He does, it is just a matter of waiting. Sometimes we hold onto ideas and sought after dreams for such a long time, we miss the answers. I also believe sometimes people pray for change, when the change resides within themselves. They pray for a better love, when in reality, they have the best God could ever offer. They pray for different circumstances in their lives, when the direction they are moving, even though there may be pain and difficulty is the best route.
Life is not always a smooth road, people are not always the most amiable and open minded. Sometimes, we are our own greatest stumbling block to happiness, love, wealth and success as we define it. We need to learn to get out of our own way. This is probably the toughest lesson to learn. We usually always think we are right, but if you were to calculate the real percentage of times we are correct, what would be answer be?
The words I have written here in all the various posts are written as guides for myself and all who read to reflect upon their own lives. There are so many in my life who I truly love, admire and respect. Some have only seen glimpses of my soul, and others, we have connected and our bond is eternal.
This morning after coming home from church, I drove up to the cemetery, parked the car, turned off the engine and gazed at my grandmother’s grave. She was my best friend, there is so much of her in me as there was I in her. I loved her dearly! We exchanged so many tears, so many embraces, I held her as she did me, and there was nothing she was unafraid to tell me. Her husband, my grandfather died in 1952, I was born in 1963, unfortunately, I never knew him. My grandmother adored him, she lived on to the age of 95 never re-married or sought the affections of another. She loved him with her whole heart and soul, and she taught me how to love with my whole heart and soul.
I have had my heart broken enough, and long to never have it broken by another woman ever again! My last love stole a large piece of my soul because I gave it to her. She had my whole heart, she had captured my mind and I am still not whole. I read today, ‘happiness is when you make the other person believe they are reason for it.’ I suppose the reason for sharing this thought, is there is so much for me to learn. We all make mistakes, none of us are perfect, nor will we ever be. There is so much to my personality, only a couple of people in my life truly know me. I have a magnetic personality, when on stage, I am truly best self, I enjoy the intimacy of really knowing my friends, I do have a deep personality, some think I am intense. But those individuals have never seen the other side of me. I love to dance, laugh, am very exciteable, love physical activity, wrestling with others, trudging up hills, hanging from trees, swimming, attempting daring exploits and enjoy moments of true ecstasy.
So, what is a person like me to pray for? I suppose praying for faith would be a good starting point. My faith has been shaken, especially when literally hundreds upon hundreds of prayers seemed to never be answered as I thought they should be. Next, real healing would be a good prayer; and perhaps for my friends to be unafraid to accept me as I am.
I am a writer, but no one ever writes me, do you know how sad that is. Maybe it is because, when we write we reveal who we are, and some people are truly scared to do so, or perhaps they feel it is too intimate. When I die my letters and thoughts and will remain, and those who know me and others who have never known me will grow to find out whom I am, what the drivers in my life really were and how I loved.
Today, I encourage you to write. If you must, only write a note to someone in your life, but also take time to begin to write a real letter with your deepest thoughts. Take time to reveal a portion of who you are, sharing with someone and provide them encouragement to live a greater life.
Now, after you finish reading these words, take a moment to silently pray for God to give you strength to live a life of destiny. Pray for a life filled with happiness, love, caring, understanding, giving, abundance and ecstasy. Pray for the strength to forgive others as He has forgiven you and live with faith that today will be better than any other day in your life. I challenge you to be unafraid to share who you are with those who are very special in your life. This is your life - it is yours to live as you choose.
Live Brilliantly!