This morning while listening to Joseph Prince, he shared some thoughts which I would like to share with you. These thoughts come from I Timothy and will challenge to think if you focus on the word conscience. Joseph Prince said, "peace is of the conscience; and joy is of the heart." The way he related this is when Jesus appeared before the disciples after the ressurection, He said, 'Peace Be With You and that resonated with the conscience of the disciples'. Jesus then showed them His nail marks and they experienced joy in their hearts.
Here are the verses for you to reflect upon...
I Timothy 1:5
The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.
I Timothy 1:19
..holding on to faith and a good conscience. Some rejected these and so have shipwrecked their faith.
When we become discouraged or disoriented with life, we must continue to live to a higher standard in our conscience or we may shipwreck our faith. In new millenial terms shipwreck could be substituted with plane crash. We all know very few if any survive a plane crash, so it is important to protect our thoughts, to hold onto our faith and thus we grow in spirit.
There are many of us who face everyday challenges and life does not always present itself as easy, so I hope these words will provide a reflection for you to live a greater life with faith, hope and peace.
May the Peace of the Lord Be With You!