Living a visionary life is the real charge that our Lord has given us, to live without restraint in taking His word to the world. For most Westerners, we are content with living small lives, but living small lives does not create personal fulfillment or for that matter fulfill the true will of God. He has created us in His own image, we are to be His beacons on this earth to open the minds, hearts and souls of others; and it requires more than a small faith and a small effort. Today in our world, every six seconds a child dies due to malnutrition or under-nourishment, a horrific sad fact. The question at hand is what are we doing today in our daily efforts to reverse these statistics? As sad as this fact is, as much as these physical deaths are such a tragedy, there are so many souls lost due to unbelief in God’s saving grace. We must question our contribution to this malady. We must question our efforts to save the souls of others and by what means we can achieve the great charge we have been given by our Savior to reach the world.
Sitting on the sidelines of life is not an option. You and I were never created to watch life, rather to live life boldly and to the fullest extent. We are here to help others. We are here to create links of understanding between other human beings, between each other and ourselves. We are here to see the face of Christ in every person we meet. Now I of all people realize how challenging this sometimes can be, but if we begin to live our lives with this thought, we can begin to make a difference. We are here to protect those who are not able to stand up for themselves, to feed those who are hungry and engage those who have misguided thoughts to seek understanding by learning of Christ.
I do believe a balance of support and challenge in our lives allow us to live more fully, and today choosing a mission to fulfill the works of God in the hearts of others will provide an avenue to live in this state of equilibrium. No one ever said life would be easy, on the contrary, people are people and there will be days of heartache and sadness, however living to a higher standard will create a ripple effect that will impact positive change in our world.
Personal leadership requires making decisions, sometimes decisions are not always popular with everyone affected, however choices have to be made. The choices we make are based upon moving in the direction God has chosen for us as outlined in His word. It is no easier today than what it was for Abraham or Moses, but possessing a great faith and taking action on our faith is the life we are destined to lead as Christians. Some may believe our modern day world is so much more sophisticated than that of many centuries ago. However, every time we watch the news and learn of murder, betrayal, theft, adultery, crime and lies we are reminded how much our world is separated from God. If our faith is real, then we need to reach out and begin by making a difference every day.
Today, get on your knees and pray for the strength of the Lord to enter your heart, for the Holy Spirit to fill your soul with His presence, and lead you to the path for what you are destined.
God Speed!