Romance in Motion

Romance in Motion
"The Singing Butler" - Jack Vettriano

Sunday, April 29, 2012

All things change when we do!

Sometimes we must decide to change to recover our soul.  Sometimes we must realize the decision to forgive allows us to regain our lives as we cannot live in our past.  The most important thing we can do for ourselves is choose to heal ourselves by diving into a higher understanding of truth.  We are only defeated when we become bitter.  The decision to become more enduring and compassionate is the only choice we must choose.  Forgive those who have harmed you.  It is through forgiveness we find love.  Forgiveness is the most extraordinary healing force in the universe!

Giving up the past is not easy, theoretically, everything we need is right here, now in the present.  We must embrace the moment realizing the future will take care of itself.  We must think about only what we want rather than what we do not want.  Whatever we give attention to manifests itself into our own reality, so therefore, be brave and live a life communicating the full expression of the best within your soul.

There is so much love within, so much incredible passion to release and convey upon the world within ourselves.  We must choose to release it. 

I have a dare for you today, are you up for it?  I dare you to magnify your personality by seven times and see what happens.  I dare you to smile more, smile at everyone you meet, tell everyone you encounter hello.  I dare you to share more hugs and embraces, to touch more, to kiss more and tell those you love, your mate, family members and friends that you love them.  I dare you to say you are sorry more often, to write your feelings and engage your own self to attempt a journey you have longed to take.  Decide today is the day to take that first step.  Dress the way you want to exude confidence and spill the best of who you are over the whole world.

I dare you today to express the best of your emotions, to live as nothing can stop you.  You see my friend, I love you.  I really do, that is why I write these words for you to make an intelligent choice to live a new life.  There is so much that awaits you and of course, you only deserve the best.  We have only one life to live, so make your story beautiful and magnificent.  Write down your dreams, think about them every day and only believe the best about yourself and what you want.  In doing so, each day we live becomes a new adventure, and we find serendipity takes place, and everything we long for begins to manifest itself into our lives.  Make the choice to only concentrate upon what you want in your life.  Choose to make a difference in this world, be true to yourself by excelling at only being your best.  You will then awake to a new reality of which your life, your dreams and those in it exceed your expectations.  Please take my dare, and you will find when you change, so will your life!

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” – Proverbs 23:7

Saturday, April 21, 2012


I believe in love
I believe in hope
I believe in possibilities
I believe in miracles, yes they are real
I believe everything I want is coming to me now, and I know why!
I believe in God, I believe in myself and I believe in you.
Life is to be lived
Life is to be embraced
Life is to be cherished
Don’t derail your dreams with unbelief
Dream large and hugely
Dream with abandon
Believe everything is coming together now, and it will
I believe
Believe with me too…