”Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” – Phillipians 4:8
Seeing through the eyes of God is to love, coalesce and morph our lives and the relationships of our lives through our thinking and creating. We are not God so we cannot create on the scale of His ability, but here on earth, when we become in touch with our inner-being we can create our lives by controlling our thoughts. In Proverbs it is written, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”, in our everyday lives we create our reality by the power of our thoughts. Some people want to believe this is too ‘new age’ for them to believe this, but what is ‘new age’ about Proverbs 23:7? It is written in the Old Testament and the words again are authored by God and written by Saint Paul in Phillipians 4:8.
We as human beings living our everyday existence get so caught up in our struggles and reliving and expounding upon our drudgeries then bring forth more by continually speaking of the muck. This is not what we are supposed to do. Instead, we are to focus only upon optimistic thoughts and what we want our lives to be. Does God get caught up in believing things are bad, and thus brings forth more unwelcomed circumstances? Does He hate and bring forth more hate? No! Jesus Christ is our ultimate example! Paul wrote, “Be imitators of Christ” – Ephesians 5:1. God is only love… “The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love." 1 John 4:8 " God loves and loves and loves. “For God so loved world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” – John 3:16. Okay, how does this apply to our thoughts?
Pretty easy, a few new daily affirmations can change our thoughts, our lives and create a whole new reality and allow us to live on a higher plane and attract greater good into our everyday experiences.
I am an imitator of Christ.
My thoughts create my life, so today I choose to imitate God and I will love you.
God is love, and I am a child of God, and if I am to imitate Him, than I too am love.
I think of only the best of people, only the best!
This last affirmation brings to mind a quote from Mark Twain. “Small people belittle other people, but a really great person, also makes you too feel you can become great.”
We need to stop belittling ourselves first! We need to focus on becoming much more than our smallest thoughts. Instead of believing we are weak, we need to believe we are powerful. We are created in God’s own image. God is the great creator, and we as sons and daughters of God also create. Our ability is only limited to the realm of this earth, but we create through our thoughts. We are to have thoughts of love and forgiveness.
What is the greatest commandment? “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. “ – Mark 12:30-31 These are Jesus words. His thoughts are to be our thoughts and causes us to reach beyond our sinful selves and live in the illumination of His love only brought upon us by Christ’s sacrifice and our reconciliation to the Father.
So instead of abandoning our best selves in the throes of melancholy self-righteousness, we need to change our thoughts. We need to realize we create our reality by believing today is a new day, create loving relationships with our families, with our friends, co-workers, and clients.
Think on a higher plane, your whole life is personal, truly it is, there is no separation from personal and professional. This is the biggest piece of hogwash. What about you is NOT personal? Think about how Jesus Christ sees things. What about God is NOT personal? Is there a professional Jesus and a personal Jesus? “LOL” You better hope He is personal at the moment of your last breath!
Dear God,
Today I am calling upon you from one professional to another professional…. Do you think we can have a conversation about your professional love….LOL. Good Grief!
My point is this, God is love, the second greatest commandment as spoken by Jesus and expressed to us in His eternal words as written in Mark, empower and demand us to love everyone, to live from a personal perspective. By the way, I dare you to complete an internet search the word ‘professional’ in the Bible. Listen to the Sunday morning preacher, ‘If you would like to know Jesus as your personal Savior’…. Have you ever heard of a professional Savior?
Likewise, I do not have professional friends, all my friends are personal, they may have a professional life based on what they do for a living, but when it comes to friendship, caring and love it is personal.
So back to the premise of my writing today! We are the creators of our reality, we are only to think about what we want, not what we do not want. Sometimes when we are rejected by others, it makes our life more complicated. But, through prayer and deep meditation with God Almighty as we seek His ultimate wisdom, we continue to focus on what we want knowing His hand will bring about the proper results. In our hurt, it is sometimes difficult to maintain faith, with constant reassurance by listening to His word and seeking the love of our friends, we find faith and bask in the illumination of His love which transcends anything we can experience on this earth.
God loves us, we are to love everyone, start today and begin loving everyone; tell someone you know, a friend who needs to know you love them those three little words, “I love you”. Tell them in a very real way not some flippant manner like ‘love ya’, but look them into their eyes and express those words with meaning and change their life and yours. In doing so, you become a creator and God will send an echo from His universe causing you to receive more love today.
Thank you for reading.
I love you!
P.S. Today, Live a little more like a First Century Apostle, rather than always a sojourner in a twenty first century society.
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