Maybe I am reaping the whirlwind of my sin? Trials and tough times come and we do not understand it. Everything can be fine in one moment and the next moment we are in heartache and trials. We usually always ask why? How can I stand up underneath this? If we hang in there and see it through, we will have answers if we approach we an attitude of joy. Reflect upon James 1:3-4.
“For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. 4So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”
God is speaking to me today, to teach me patience and provide an attitude of endurance.
Life sometimes goes along like a perfect trip. Then sickness, heartache and economic depravation hits us and we ask why? The reason is so we can lack nothing. So we can become mature, God sometimes places us in trials so we build muscle, makes us stronger and grow us up. Anytime we have a problem and difficulty we look up and God knows He has our attention. He wakes us up so we lack nothing.
Sometimes we flunk his course and he makes us go through it again, and we wonder how we will get through all of this. Reflect upon James 1:5-8.
“5If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. 6But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. 7Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.”
You may ask, “How can I survive the tensions in my life?” We need wisdom which is knowledge plus application, we ask for wisdom in faith. So how we ask in faith? We kneel and pray and ask God, and tell Him I do not know how to handle this, and we ask in faith for wisdom.
We ask in faith with the Holy Spirit and we become double souled.
Sometimes we are like people who do not know whether to get on the bus or not, and it leaves and we stand there as the bus passes by and we live in our indecision.
In tough times, God is maturing you and me with wisdom. We are crowned with life when we handle tough times this way, it is supernatural.
The success of a marriage and relationships is defined in how you handle conflict.
In the toughest times, true love comes out.
Let’s pray not just for strength, but wisdom not to waste what I am going through.
When we are in tough times, God knows that we are there, and He is surrounding us with love, and we are under His discipline and training, and we are subjected to God’s schedule and His timing.
O’ Lord help us to not waste tough times as we go through them. Trials build our faith!
If there is to be healing, it begins with you and it begins with me.
If there is to be healing, it begins with you and it begins with me.
I do not know what trial or burden you are facing today? Maybe it is a serious illness in your family, heartbreak, abuse, a lost child, the mourning of a death or the ending of a relationship, or perhaps great financial difficulty, or maybe a multiplicity of these burdens at once. It does not matter, we must remain in faith. We may scream at God and wonder why can’t certain prayers be answered? Why is someone the way they are, why are they unable to open their heart, why do they always runaway? In the case of illness not be healed? How long must we pray for a special someone in our life to be changed with revelation?
I am sorry that I do not have all the answers why particular prayers are not answered with the end result we desire. I am sorry and ask for forgiveness from those special people in my life who read this for the aggravation and hurt I have caused in your lives. God is not so perplexing, what is perplexing is how we continue a cycle of sin which keeps us in a state of unrest.
I am sorry, and today feel inadequate in how to end this writing, except to say, if there is to be healing it begins with you and it begins with me. Together we pray: O’ Lord, help us not to waste this moment and through whatever trial each of us is encountering, either known publicly or deep within our souls, please build our faith as we trust only in you. Amen.
Dear Reader My Friend,
I love you!
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