Seeking Peace…
Today in the news there is upheaval throughout the world; it does not matter what country no matter how free or controlled. How does one find peace? I think about Nelson Mandela and how he was imprisoned, and then there is the gentleman in the U.S. just released a few weeks ago after being unfairly incarcerated for thirty-plus years. I think about Malika Oukfir and her family imprisoned in Morocco for a crime her father committed, even her three year old brother for nineteen years. Where do these individuals find peace?
My friend Rick, a priest told me about a family where three immediate family members have cancer, including a child who has inoperable brain cancer, where is the fairness in all of this tragedy?
I am certain none of us have the answers, why does life have to be this way? Why do some people stay in love and others cannot remain committed? These are all good questions, and in the whole scheme of things at some point we will learn the answers.
It is uncanny how God works to make our lives better and we keep messing them up. Prayer is the key to changing our lives. It is while you and I are on our knees we truly find peace.
So what should we pray for? Is it to illuminate our lives and make the lives of others better; is it wealth, health, kindness, boldness, momentary brilliance or something else? I contend we should pray for thanksgiving for the gift of Christ and His forgiveness and our reconciliation back to the Father. I pray for God to place His hand upon us and grant us patience and fortitude, and to understand His plan is so much more wonderful than we could ever imagine. We should foremost pray for faith.
In my moments of insanity, it is my faith that brings me back to reality. A reality that God has chosen me and He truly loves me beyond understanding, no one will ever care as much as He does.
For most of us, we seek a special someone to share our lives, unfortunately human beings are not perfect, and they do not always make the right choices, and it can dramatically affect our lives. God always makes the right choices, which too dramatically affects our lives.
Today, take time to kneel down somewhere, it doesn’t matter where, just somewhere by yourself with no one else around, a private place and no matter your circumstance in your life, ask God to enter your heart. Ask Him to send His Spirit to transform you. If you are upset and mad, still kneel down; scream if you must, cry if you must, let it all out! Tell God how you feel. It may not be that exact moment, but at some moment the Holy Spirit will engage you and suddenly the anger and upset are converted to contrition and peace. And in this peace, we find freedom.
Some people believe to live free is to do what you want, the truth… freedom is following God doing what He wants, and as a result in obedience we find peace, love and joy. I pray for you today to find personal peace.
The Lord bless you, and keep you.
The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you.
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
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