Romance in Motion

Romance in Motion
"The Singing Butler" - Jack Vettriano

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Today's Adventure

Every day we awaken to new opportunities and adventures, occasions to embrace life and live.  Not every day is as fascinating as we may like, but each day is comprised of the energy and effort we put into them.  There are new people to meet, places to explore, challenges to face and territories to discover. 

Instead of dwelling on the past, we must believe in ourselves, embrace today and begin anew realizing the future holds many exciting moments we are yet to live.  And rather than let the tears of yesterday hold us back, we must live with zest knowing today and tomorrow will be so much more brighter than anything we experienced in our yesterdays.

So with recognizing this premise, we take a new step forward trusting in God and in ourselves to know our finest moments await us.

New loves, careers, family experiences, travels, adventures, personal goals and achievements, they all are within our grasp.  Living iconicly requires nothing more than daily concentrated focus to achieve our dreams. 

So with this thought, live an unsurpassed life, be happy and discover the magic which life has to offer by trusting God and know He wants nothing but the best for you and I.  We pray, we believe and we live.