Romance in Motion

Romance in Motion
"The Singing Butler" - Jack Vettriano

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Believe the Best!

Recently, I have listened to several speakers in regard to living our lives the way we want them to be, and it is interesting how each of them have similar theoretical logic.  Each of the speakers shared we are to amplify our thoughts to line up with only what we want.  We are to let go of negative emotion and only concentrate on the positive and tell the story of our lives as we feel they should be.  Many great successful people have believed no matter what setback to befall them that they would succeed.  We too, should follow their example believing the best about our lives staying the course no matter what adversity, and we will without question reach our destination.

It is very easy to become discouraged or temporarily disenchanted when circumstances appear dire or contrary to our beliefs, schedule or timing.  We should rather realize that people, events and happenings are taking place as they should to prepare us for the bounty that lies ahead.  Sometimes through perseverance we grow wiser, more mature and become more able to handle what life has to offer.  We are able to command more and realize greater profits monetarily and spiritually.

Today, live telling your life story they way you want.  Expound upon every desire no matter how outrageous realizing this is your life, this is your moment, and this is your time to live as you choose to live.  Decide to be happy, decide to believe the best about yourself and others.  This very moment the forces of the universe through your thought patterns are bringing you great abundance of love, happiness, health, and wealth.  There is nothing or no one that can stop you from living the large life you deserve except yourself.  Today, choose to believe the best!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Think and Feel the Best!

Today is a great day to release all your fears and realize everything about God is about faith, trust and love.  We are His children created in His own image.  What is His image?  And what is ours based upon the fact we are designed as a mirror to Him?  We as humans many times allow the devil, the world and our flesh to overtake our thoughts, and thus destroy the perfection God has provided us.  This is a great day to realize by choosing to live and making His thoughts our thoughts, these lives of ours will be much easier to live and we will realize the greatness He has provided to us through our baptism.

We are God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved.  Think about that thought!  With this being the case, is there anything we are not able to accomplish with our lives?  Remember Philippians 4:8:  Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.

Today, eliminate all negative thoughts by believing and thinking only the best of yourself, all whom you encounter and decide to make a difference for others in this life.  Choose to live for God by carrying His banner removing all the obstacles out of the way in this old world so He may be able to move forward where He wants to go. 

There is a song I love which has some great lyrics, here are just a few to share with you. ‘We live in a beautiful world no matter how crazy it seems, the sun is shining, can you feel it?   Hearts are open, can you feel it?  It is a beautiful world, the fog is clearing out, fears are lifting, awaken the spirit can you hear all bells that are ringing, things are changing for the better stand by me, stand by you because together we are going to make it.  Baby, it is a beautiful world together we are strong, it is time to move to a place which is much brighter, the love that I feel is beautiful, bright and deep.  It is a beautiful world, it is a beautiful world.  It is a beautiful world no matter how crazy it seems.’  These words heard in repetition over and over makes one realize today is a new day, we live in the present, no matter how crazy things appear by choosing to higher thoughts, believing in yourself and others, opportunities will be showered upon you and we will live lives of great destiny.   

In life, we manifest what we desire by our feelings, so choose to think the right thoughts, express the best feelings consistently and discover the changes you desire in your life.   

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Go and Love, Go and Live!

We cannot live in the past, we cannot live in the future, we can only live in the now!  So with this knowledge… are you living in the now?  Living in the now means you are willing to mentally separate yourself from your past, those moments of triumph and moments of despair.  Are you are ready to realize you can do nothing about the future, except for impacting your life with what you do with your time now.  What is it you seek…fame, fortune, accolades?  Now is the time to make a difference in your life with how you organize your mind, your thoughts and your life.

Are you in love?  Do you seek love?  How do you love?  Today, choose to make a difference by deciding to be a lover of others.  This day choose to embrace, kiss and respect others more.

Are you wealthy?  Do you seek wealth?  Do you value your personal resources?  Today, choose to make a difference by deciding to value your abilities and talents.  This day choose to work smarter, more effectively, and provide greater service to others than you ever have before.

Are you healthy? Do you seek health?  Do you value your body, mind and soul?  Today, choose to make a difference by deciding to value your physical body.  This day choose to walk, run, swim, play and workout.  This day choose to make good food choices and live exuberantly with a more lively step.

Are you enlightened?  Do you seek enlightenment?  Do you value your life, your soul, your true life force?  Do you believe in God Almighty?  This day choose to meditate, pray, clean your brain of mindless chatter, and believe with powerful intention the way you want your life to be and discover the truth of all the universal principles.

Today, this day is a great day to decide to choose to live.  Decide to cover your past with a sheet, and do not fret or long for the future.  This day choose to embrace this moment with all the power of your internal life force.  Decide to live for you by giving yourself away to the world and in doing so, discover so much more of who you are, and become what the world seeks.  This day choose to become life, love and happiness.  This day make your presence the most magnificent gift anyone could ever receive.  Make a difference by becoming a difference solely for you.

Go and love, go and live!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"Nothing Ventured - Nothing Gained!"

Tonight, I felt compelled to write just a few words about relationships, no I am not an expert, nor do I purport to be, however there are some thoughts I would like to share.  First of all, when you truly respect and admire someone you are unafraid to expose who you are.  We all have faults, and we all have positive attributes.  When we find ourselves opening up and revealing the truth of who we are with others and share our deepest feelings, we then we are able to create unbreakable bonds.  As an individual, I am very fortunate indeed to have many close friends who love me and I them.  If I called tonight in the early hours and asked for real help, I know they would come, as I would for them. 

When it comes to male and female relationships, we sometimes must realize not everyone is at the same place in their being-hood.  Some individuals are still grappling at handling hurt, others are prepping themselves for a relationship, and some are truly ready to spread their wings and immerse themselves completely into a new venture with a willing partner.

I was reading a book talking about living life like an ant.  We must carry our weight, be patient and take things one step at a time in our stride.  There are many people who want to rush the steps A, B, C to Z, versus realizing there may be a few more steps in between.  Others are afraid and paralyzed by the hurt they hold from the past.  The real reality of our lives is we must be brave, bold and courageous.  Remember the cliché, “nothing ventured, nothing gained.”  So here I am today like a modern day Ann Landers providing advice:  do not be afraid, do not fear, rather believe the best about others, about yourself and realize this is your life to live today.

I believe in love.  I have been in love many times, and even though I also have experienced hurt and caused hurt; I am still unafraid to march forth.  This life of ours is a very precious gift, and we must realize the sanctity of what we have.  Today is a good day to take a few steps just like those little ants.  Today is a good day to tightly embrace one of your friends, verbally express your love, admiration and respect. It is a good day to believe.

Our feelings and emotions are quite powerful, quite convincing to this ‘ole universe we live in, and I pray this day, that we all are able to live with great faith expecting only the best. 

These thoughts are good first steps to creating the kind of lasting relationships you seek in your life.  My family and friends are the most important people in my life as I am sure they are in yours too.  So, today decide to make a difference in their lives.  Decide today to do something good for someone to affect their life for the better. 

Some of you who read my words, I know quite well.  Some of you, maybe we have met maybe once or twice, and for many of you, we have never seen the whites of one another’s eyes.  Regardless, tonight, this night in mid-May, I want you to know that I admire you, some of you I truly deeply love maybe more than you realize.  I pray your lives are fulfilled, you find happiness, real love and true peace of mind.    

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Be strong, live and love!

Be aware to never compromise your life, it is the only one you have.
Decide to live, really live.
Choose to love.
Choose to forgive.
Choose to live with peace in your heart.
Your heart leads your mind.
Make your decisions with your heart and your life will be more rewarding.
Boldly love.
Boldly live.
Peace to you my friend.
I am praying for you today.
I am loving you at this moment.
Heart intelligence supersedes the brain.
Your heart can heal.
Your heart can change the world.
Your heart can change the universe.
Believe with great feeling!
You are the master of your life.
Be strong, live and love!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Live Unselfishly!

A good thought is to live unselfishly, to give your whole self away to the world!  The best of relationships is when two people are completely unselfish.  They give of themselves without the thought of receiving a reciprocal benefit.  They love and forgive, forgive and love, and give and give.  Love flows easily!  They do not seek perfection in another, nor do they feel the need to always prove themselves to a level of perfection to their lover or friend.  They are able to be themselves in all ways and express all their emotions:  happiness, sadness, ecstatic elation, moments of upset, and feelings of vigor, strength, kindness, amorous feelings and true flowing love.  They are accepted for who they are, and feel compelled to share their mutual feelings of optimism, light, life, and happiness.  They do not trample upon one another’s dreams, rather share true encouragement, and realize not every dream is to always be shared, but definitely supported by their friend.  Two people persuade one another to live their dreams, not allowing the past hold them down like an anchor, but to hoist it away and live expecting this day, today - to be a day of triumph and manifestation of their dreams.

Living unselfishly is to realize we are to be our best, not to worry, hold on to fear, rather faith knowing all things will be as they should.  It comes down to a knowing deep down inside of our souls that giving our best selves always places us in control of creating lives of great destiny.  The destiny we seek is to be our best for ourselves, and in doing so shower others around us with kindness, optimism, feelings of confidence, respectfulness and true love.

All this may seem altruistic for some, but they have not chosen to live up to their best, but rather choose mediocrity over a life seeking excellence.  True fulfillment is choosing to realize our dreams by giving away ourselves to others. 

I write this today, to you my friend, because I know deep inside the core of who I am… when I give myself away, that is when I am best.  And, I know for you, the same holds true.  The true fulfillment of our lives is realized when we think and believe the best of ourselves and others; and when we give away the best of who we are.  In doing so, when we abandon the selfish negative feelings we cling to, we will experience feelings of mutual euphoric pleasure.  A feeling felt only when two souls connect recognizing the best in one another.

When we give ourselves away, we experience the greatest of all feelings including approval, pleasure, happiness, fulfillment, contentment, agreement, true liking and love.

Today is a good day to clean up your soul, forgive and love.  Today is a good day to dress up your soul by respecting yourself.  Today is a good day to share smiles, express your feelings of affection to others with tight embraces, living your lives expressing the truth of who you are and who you are becoming by submitting your life to God to change the world.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Be Thankful!

Last evening while walking in the woods and high up in the hills, I was pondering many things.  It was apparent to me while hiking down into the valleys between the peaks of the hills, looking down both sides of the trail, there is always a deeper valley below.  The significance of this is no matter how our life situation may feel at a given moment; the valley could be deeper and darker.  As I looked below the ridges where I stood, the valleys seemed much darker below and in some places the forest floor was beyond sight.  It made me realize there are people who have more difficult life situations than me, and with a good mind, physical body and spiritual power there is nothing beyond the realm of achieving.

This past week while shopping for groceries, I was bemoaning a situation like we all do, and then I noticed a message from God.  A man was being helped out of a van, his mother was lowering him down on a ramp, he was in a wheel chair, an empty look upon his face, he was missing a hand and he had very little hair and looked as if his life was totally dependent upon the help of others for his basic functions.  It was at that very moment, I was reminded and realize how God has blessed me.

The message I want to convey is no matter how badly we may feel, someone else may have it worse.  No matter how difficult things may appear, we have the internal power to overcome any situation and live more vigorously.  We must maintain a positive outlook, realize opportunities are everywhere and choose to live with optimism and positive expectancy.  We must only think of what we want, truly want in our lives in regard to everything and in doing so, move closer to living a life of fulfillment in all ways.
We are powerful creatures with much potential, and there is so much more we can accomplish with our lives.  God has great plans for each and every one of us.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for opening our eyes, thank you for the capabilities and power you have instilled in us all to live lives of great expression.  We ask you place your hand upon us as we walk along this day to clearly see how we can make our lives better and help others whom we meet.  In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

You can change the world!

The world needs you!  You are very valuable, you are needed to help change the world.
You must become what you want in this world.
If you want love, you must be love.
If you want to feel cared for, you must express caring.
If you desire peace, then become peaceful.
If you desire honor, then honor others, all life and the earth.
If you need to feel value, then value others and you will become more valuable.
You are precious.  Life is precious… live your life as if it is a precious gift.
Pray with belief and create the world the way you want it to be.
When you seek, you will find.
If you want to be healed, choose to be a healer for others.
Feel peace
Feel love
Feel wealth
Feel health
Feel fulfillment
Feel life flow through you.
Pray for God to empower you with the truth of the power that lies within you.
Love God and you will feel His Love
Love yourself and discover your inner-self and who you are.
You are precious
Feel your value, express your kindness, express your love and you will be showered with real love.
Feel the kindness and tenderness from others and discover peace.
God loves you, He made you and He is within you.
You can change the world!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Forgive and Live...

Life is a learning experience! 
I was listening to a speaker about forgiveness, healing and living and wanted to share some of the insights gained with you.

Some of our greatest set-backs, hurts and heartbreaks are the best of our learning experiences.  The best thing we can do is to forgive and allow our lives to move on quicker.  The faster we forgive the faster we are able to make it out of the valley to a place where we can see clearly.  Forgiveness is about a sense of personal honor and integrity to ourselves and allows us to improve our journey.

The most important point is the five steps of healing according to speaker and author Caroline Myss is as follows.
1.  Force yourself to forgive, holding to hurts, damages you more than the other person
2. Redefine healing for yourself, it is not perfection, but a day to day task and gradual transformation
3. Stop asking why things happen, doing so causes your spirit to not move on
4. Chart a new course for your future
5. Have people witness your wound three times, and then       let it go

When you begin to step outside of yourself and look at your life, you begin to be able to view your life in a more profound way.  The challenges do not seem to be as overwhelming and we are able to move on and live our lives.