Romance in Motion

Romance in Motion
"The Singing Butler" - Jack Vettriano

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Tomorrow, I leave to travel a world away to East Africa.  While there in the plains, I will see the faces of small children who did not choose to be born to the life of which they are destined.  For us Westerners, it is good that we understand how blessed we are to be born into the luxurious life we live no matter how we feel about our lot in life.  We are the fortunate ones!  Very few Westerners are starving or dying of thirst for lack of water.

My objective is to only post the most positive of my thoughts rather than to share the dark places within my soul.  It is best if we always share the brightest of all lights within ourselves to illuminate the lives of others we contact.

An empty soul or heart void of love is much worse than empty pockets.  Today, look around at all you possess:  your clothing, your bed, your pillow, your phone, computer, car and the list can go on.  We are all so fortunate to have so much.  Pray a great prayer of thanksgiving!  Then think about others who are less fortunate and recognize how they are able to find beauty in the soul of one another.

True caring, real empathy and deep love seem to be a rarity these days, most people are always willing to accept less.  My stance is rather than to live a life of contentment, we should live a life of real bliss.  This is so much a greater cause and is definitely worth the effort to discover.

May God Bless You!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Look and Speak in the Direction of Where You Want to Be!

Today, I want to write to you my friends.
I want to write to you that we draw everything in our lives to us, and if we want to change our lives, it must begin with our thinking.  Obviously, changing our thinking is a real process because sometimes we get ourselves hung up in a quagmire of hurt, disappointment, frustration and anger creating this feeling we can never leave the rut where we have placed ourselves.  This is where I want to begin today, helping you to acknowledge inside of you there is so much potential and power, it all comes down to a personal choice of which you have to make.

I have definitely had my share of disappointments in life, to know me and understand the essence of who I am is to experience a person who always perseveres.  I do not believe in giving up, people who give up many times stop short of the greatest of opportunities, experiences and relationships, in my book, they are fools.  It is better to exhaust all avenues towards striving forward to a dream, rather than to quit.  When one quits, they fail themselves and most likely fall short of the greatness that lies within or a greatness to be discovered illuminating their lives.

It is important to realize we are the ones responsible for choosing our own destinies.  It is also important to realize we cannot always help the choices of others in our lives.  There are some important moments when we must decide to change the direction of our own sails when the ‘wind of opportunities’ have stalled.  Sometimes business opportunities cease, relationships end or we face other small and large tragedies, rather than to keep a course where there may be no breeze to carry us to greater destinations, we allow ourselves to remain in the stale water.  After a while, we must realize it does us no good to stay there.  So we finally choose to change the course of our direction discovering a new wind in our sails, a new breeze to refresh the skin on our face and we look forward to today with confidence, and a new eagerness, and a great hope. 
We then decide for ourselves there is a great prospect of a plethora of opportunities.  When we believe in a new reality, we set in motion the people, places and events drawing them to us.  Sometimes it seems like it takes a long time; the reason is we continue in our ambivalent feelings and thoughts.  We really can’t sit on a fence.  We have to make a firm decision about our futures, and upon choosing to do so we chase after a new dream and with a firm resolve realize a new reality.  It all begins with the picture we paint in our minds, that is why it is so important to be careful of what you think.  So my friends, think only positive, optimistic thoughts.  Norman Vincent Peale wrote in his book, The Power of Positive Thinking, “A man who is positive and optimistic and undertakes his work with the assurance of success, magnetizes his condition and draws unto himself the creative forces of the universe.”

Today, choose only the best thoughts you can think!  You are a magnet, with every thought you think you draw a new condition into your life.  You only deserve the best!  God only wants you to have the best, so rather than continue down a path of mediocrity filled with hurt and pain, only think of joy, happiness, fulfillment and contentment painting and creating a life of magnificence.  You are the one who holds the brush, choose wisely as you dip it into your palette, find the colors that represent the life you really desire.  Love, happiness, contentment and self-actualization are only a few thoughts away.

I love you and respect you too much, not to tell you this, and for myself, I too must daily practice and believe.  My hope is we can all create great lives of destiny realizing no matter what the remainder of the world thinks or how they want to live, we have made our choices.  We are living magnets, so let us choose what we desire. Today, let us attract and believe only the best, and live brilliantly!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What do you believe?

A view from the hills on my daily hike.

What do you believe?
What do you expect in your life?
How do you choose to live?
Are you ready for real love?

What do you believe?
Everything is easy.
Abundance is everywhere
Feeling good is natural

What do you believe?
You know what you want
You have deep faith
Broaden your horizons

What do you believe?
You have vision
You take action
Your dreams become reality

What do you believe?
There is no more pain and sorrow
There is only optimism and hope
Nothing can keep you from what you want.

What do you believe?
You are magnificent!
Your future is bright…
Your life is becoming more spectacular every day!

What do you believe?
You are loved
In fact, you are showered in love
And you like it!

What do you believe?
Tomorrow looks fantastic
There is excitement to be felt in this day
Your future is painted in the way you handle yourself this day
And every day!

What do you believe?
I love you
And I always will
My love will never waiver
You have total confidence to know that will never change.

What do you believe?
What do you want in life?
And why do you want it?
Choose to seek the truth, the real truth
I wonder what you will discover.

What do you believe?
Today is a great day to learn
Today is a great day to live
Today is a great day to love

What do you believe?
What are you feeling in this moment?
Your feelings bring about truth
If you do not like your life, change your feelings.
You are the one responsible
No one else.
Live today like there is no tomorrow!
And finally, realize what you believe will be your reality.
Choose to believe
Choose to love
Choose to be loved
Choose to live.
Remember it is your life,
It only belongs to you, no one else.
Choose to live it!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Decide to Love

What do you value?
Today as you reflect on what is important, I want you to realize to achieve real power in your life you must decide to love.  You see, if God is love, and He is… then as Saint Paul suggests, ‘we are to become imitators of Christ’ then we too are to become love.  When giving away our love, we forget about ourselves, our selfish ambitions, personal needs and desires and focus upon the wishes and requirements of others.  Loving is more than being there for holidays and easy moments, loving is to continue to love when our feelings are hurt, others forget us, and we are not always considered a top tier priority.  Loving someone takes patience, and an understanding desire to know the future will be brighter, more positive and completely fulfilling.

The more we love, the greater our lives are fulfilled. 
The more we love, the more passionate we become.
The more we love, the more in touch we are with the Holy Spirit within.
The more we love, the more we give away.
The more we love, the more God provides us.
The more we love, the more empowered we become.
The more we love, the more we are loved.
The more we love, the more we fulfill our destinies.

Today, choose to love for the sake of living a greater life, strengthening your personal values and becoming more.