Romance in Motion

Romance in Motion
"The Singing Butler" - Jack Vettriano

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What is a friend?

A friend is someone who will always be there to stand in your corner.  They are someone who listens, they do not judge us for our actions and regardless of our stupidity, ignorance, ups and downs they still love us and accept us for who we are.  A real friend is one of our soul mates causing us to stretch by challenging our thinking.  A real friend wants us to grow and become everything we are meant to be!  A real friend desires the best for us to live beyond the status quo of society stretching and reaching to the realms of greatness in every area of our lives.  They too, are unafraid to grow and listen to our own suggestions for growth.  Mutually, we both want to bask in great success in every area of one another’s lives. 

A friend is someone who shares!  A friend shares happiness, optimism, excitement and exhilaration.  A friend knows how to connect with us and love us, respects us and our children.  A friend is able to lift us to new heights by believing in our dreams, and would never step on them, rather choose to be our greatest encouragers.  A friend realizes we have unlimited potential and wants to fly along with us to the greatest of heights. 

A friend listens, even when they are tired of doing so!  The reason is one day they’ll need us too to also listen.  A friend never frets about us, rather encourages us to look at every alternative leading towards a path for success.  Our friends are unafraid to dare us to grow, rather than to continually argue about what we can and cannot do, there are no objections only encouragement to defy the mediocrity of the masses and to live boldly with bravado.  A good friend’s encouragement and embrace is the bright dazzling light of our day, as we too should be a vivid of light of hope and peace to them.

A friend believes in potentialities!  This is why it is so important to choose the right people in our lives to become our friends.  Real friends believe in our potential and who we are becoming and choose to grow right along with us. 

Real friends are unafraid to say, “I love you!”  The love shared is based upon respect, true caring and a depth of mutual understanding.  We share the knowledge of always being there no matter the situation, elation and happiness, death and despair, to always be there.  There is an unsaid respect that binds us. A real friend is fearless, undaunted as they share tears, deep thoughts, laughter and many smiles.

A real friend - a true friend is the greatest of all gifts!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

I love you!

I love you!  Is that so hard to say?
I love you… that will never change.
I love you… touch my face
I love you… kiss me!
I love you… hold me!
I love you… never let go of my hand!
I love you… just because I do.
I love you… I hope you love me too!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Where do you stand?

Tonight I went walking in the woods gazing up at the sky.  I couldn’t help but notice the silhouette of the trees along the horizon and enjoyed lurking through the tall pines at the twinkling stars.  As I came upon the lake it was quite evident just how vast the night sky truly is looking up over the hills and into the dark abyss.  It magnifies our presence of living now, and makes one realize the vastness of eternity.  Maybe in our western world we are too busy to look up and see what the rest of the world views each night without all trappings of our harried culture.

I haven’t watched the news in awhile, and stopped for just a few minutes to investigate the report of young children being slaughtered in the streets.  They are in their own neighborhoods believing and longing for safety and security where others who disregard the value of life just kill for the sake of killing.  Why?  We sit here worrying about our dining choices, how to pay for a new car or vacation without realizing the dire need of those who so desperately long for peace.  We are so blind, perhaps truly apathetic and uncaring.

So, you are probably inquiring how is it that Rob is connecting a walk in the dark woods gazing at stars to the value of little children lives a half a world away.  Maybe if you have read a few of my writings then you know the depth of my soul.  I truly care, I truly long for the world to experience peace.  Sometimes to find peace we have to make decisions to concede, to live with the status quo, or to fight.  In the case of the little children and the merciless condition of their enemies, I think we should fight.  How do we do so, by choosing to stand for peace!

I will not apologize for standing up for little children, they do not deserve to witness tragedy, they do not deserve to be pawns in a sick game.  I believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  The question is… does the rest of world, and does the rest of my country know the true meaning of those words and willing to take a stand, or continue to live with blind apathy?  Sadly, I think I already know the answer.

So where do you stand?

I want you!

Two Souls looking in the same direction!
I want to love you more than I should!
I want to love you more than I ought!
I want to love all your fears away.
I want to see the real smile underneath the façade.
I want to hold your hand.
I want to touch your face.
I want to pull you close.
I want to touch your lips.
I want to lie down next to you.
I want to listen to you breathe.
I want to know the real you!
I want you to know the real me…
I want you to know the me who cares and loves, who longs to hold you tight!
I want you to long for my tenderness.
I want to touch you how I would like!
I want you to smile when you see me.
I want you to know I think you are precious!
I want you to express the freedom within your soul.
I want you to let yourself go.
I want you to be who you really are…
And I want you to know who I really am.
I want to love you…
And I want you to love me too!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Embrace the Moment!

I want to write to you today and tell you to go live your life!  Now is your time, this very moment you breathe the oxygen in the atmosphere, this very moment you drink the water from the ground, this very moment you decide to accept your destiny in the chronicles of humanity.  We who live in the western world have so much to be thankful for, so much we accept as normal without realizing the precious opportunity we have to live and enjoy such great lives.  Today, this day please make the choice to really live and step outside of yourself and be everything you are capable of becoming.  Living on a higher plane means sometimes making choices which may seem contradictory to the norm of society, but to those who live with real heart and gusto, it makes all the sense in the world. 

Today, decide to challenge yourself to stretch in several areas of your life.  Amplify your level of consciousness to encompass realizing the potentialities of which you are capable.  Make the decision to live with drive and embrace life doing all the things you ever desired.  Jump on a sailboat, out of a plane, into the ocean, underneath the sea, or climb a mountain… go and live.  This is your life!   This is your life my friend, make it everything you ever desired.  Please do not die with all the music left inside your soul, rather choose to live this day sampling all the flavors of the world.  Smile and laugh more, worry less, love without restraint and deeply, make your life a model for all humanity.