Romance in Motion

Romance in Motion
"The Singing Butler" - Jack Vettriano

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Live Fearlessly!

Every day when we awake, we are recharged with a boundless amount of energy to accomplish something great.  The accomplishments may be large or small, but none the less, they are great accomplishments.  We fool ourselves to believe that small steps are not great accomplishments because it is the small steps that lead us closer to the ultimate goals we hope to attain.  Some of us are more enlightened to realize this-others are still stuck on a track to the oblivion leading to a black hole.  Today, my dear reader, I want you to recognize and appreciate your propensity to achieve.  There is an amazing life awaiting you, it is up to you to make a decision to choose the best path for your life.

We must set get goals and create daily to-do lists to fill our lives with more accomplishment.  Some individuals find making themselves accountable difficult to do; these lists may be written or kept in our mind.  The key is to always remain keenly aware of our goals keeping them top of mind staying conscious to the need to complete our daily lists.  When we strike each item off our list, we begin to find fulfillment in our lives and notice we are on the road to a great discovery.

Harnessing our energy to achieve goals is the key to living with more fulfillments in every area of our lives.  Here are some suggestions to provide a starting point for you.  Begin to remove all clutter from your life, the less clutter you see the easier it is to free your mind to see great possibilities.  There is definitely a correlation, and this is a great suggestion.  Decide to forgive others who have hurt you, this is not always easy, and I realize how difficult this sometimes can be, but at some point we must forgive.  The reason for forgiving is to release our past and the connecting ties which may holding us back keeping the realization of our greatest accomplishments and relationships encumbered in a dark cell to never be revealed.

My point today is we our responsible for messing up our lives, and we are responsible for empowering our lives.  We must make a conscious decision to rise above all things holding us back and forge ahead with a pocketful of dreams and great love in our hearts digging deep to exert more energy acknowledging there is so much more to who we are and make our dreams come true.  We must be unafraid to release our hurt so our true personalities may be uncovered from all the heartbreak, anger, disappointments and other negative baggage.  Today is our day for a great awakening, now is our moment in eternity to live, and live boldly without fear.

We must purge all our hurts from our minds, all self-defeating thoughts and all unbelief in our ability to achieve anything we desire.  There is nothing stopping us, and nobody who truly can stand in our way except ourselves.  Are we moving forward or standing still?  Stagnation is clearly not a choice for those who choose to live boldly.  Today, realize the energy you possess, the power stored within the recesses of your mind and gallantly step forward to be counted as one who chooses to really live. 

The next step is to take action, take action – take action!  We must actually work towards achieving our daily goals.  We must eliminate procrastination from our lives and choose to stretch ourselves in areas where we need to grow, to be daring when we feel fear, and to resolve ourselves to remain confident.  Remember in the story of your life, you are the hero, the one who is brave, fearless, and intrepid living courageously each day.  There is nothing cowardly about you at all, so don’t allow your own thoughts, the hurt you value so much, negativity, or the brutal influence from others to cause you disparagement. You are valiant!   

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


It is essential we have faith in our life.  We must recognize the importance of this essential ingredient to lead us down a path of manifesting what we desire and believe.  Too many people allow themselves to think life just happens, life just does not happen.  The intent we place in our minds creates a powerful force to draw what we desire into our lives.  It is so important to be careful of what we think, what we believe because we create the situations in our lives to bring about what we think.

There have been many books written about this subject, teachings and writings throughout the centuries, and during this period of time in which live, we must too harness the power of this truth.  We must only think about what we want and truly desire.  We must cast aside doubts, self-defeating thoughts and negative thinking in exchange for real belief, uplifting thoughts and positive thinking.  The result of changing our expectations in all areas of our life creates an ocean of possibilities to achieve what we desire.  We must overcome our own stumbling blocks to realize this truth.

Today, I want you experiment believing there is a certain goal or desire you long for realized in your life.  Take a moment to visualize this picture of your desire and capture the feeling of all your senses once you have what you want.  Paint a very vivid picture in your mind and using all five senses to  imagine how it feels to touch, taste, smell, see and hear the outcome of your desire, the more vivid detail you create, the more likely you will feel as if you have already experienced the realization of the result.  It is like making a movie of your desires with you as the main character immersing yourself in your feelings of realizing your dream.

Another action step towards developing a mind-set of receiving what we long for and bolstering our faith is to evaluate who supports our dreams.  The most important relationship we have in our life is with ourselves, so we must decide to be positive, optimistic and expectant.  We must choose carefully the relationships we have with others to support our dreams.  Do our co-workers, family members and closest friends support who we want to become and what we want to embrace in our lives, or are they a deterrent to achieving our aspirations?  We need to only associate with people who embrace our dreams and are willing to empower us to move the obstacles out of our lives to manifest our utmost desires.  They are not jealous or envious of what we seek rather realize our achievements elevates our relationships to a higher level of understanding.

We must decide to love, to care and to embrace others and their dreams.  The more we love others, I believe the greater the propensity for us to realize what we seek in our lives.  Love is one of the strongest emotions, and when we decide to love someone we give them a part of ourselves.  It is through this act of giving ourselves away that the universe opens our hearts to receive.  There is no need for us to complicate the understanding of this matter.  All we have to do is believe, feel and love and in doing so, we will initialize the momentum of the realization of our dreams.  It all begins with faith.


Monday, January 16, 2012

Some Thoughts...

We cannot have grace if we continue to live in sin.  I read a verse tonight from Romans 6:1-2, where Paul writes how can grace abound if we continue in sin?  During the past few years, I have prayed intently, and realize the outcome of my prayers is due to the fact that in part that I have not lived without sin in my heart.  During my lifetime, I have broken every commandment.  I am not without sin; my heart has held malice towards others of which I have not been ashamed.  But it is wrong, very wrong and unfortunately, I am fool. 

Like all humans it is so much easier to hold resentment rather than to admit our own fault forgiving others so God’s forgiveness may work in our hearts.  It is so easy to become judgmental, rather than to live on a higher plane.  There are times in our lives when we must let go.  We must decide to let go of the past and let go of the hurt relinquishing whatever we feel in our heart and trade it for a new beginning.

For some it seems so easy to toss their past into the fire and walk away, and for others there is a greater struggle to embrace the possibilities of a new future because their vision is so clouded with memories, hopes and possibilities of what could have been.  I am one who has always been counted in the later crowd.  So today, I look ahead with great anticipation to a brighter future based upon the possibilities of what might be as envisioned in my heart, mind and soul.

Living a righteous life or one marred by giving into sin is based upon our daily choices.  God wants us to choose righteousness clinging to faith of what great possibilities lie ahead rather than to stumble into a quagmire which prevents us from receiving the evidence of living with His hand upon us.  We can pray all we want, believe all we want, but if we do not live as He desires, than all the praying and all the believing are for nothing. 

We must have faith that as we walk upon this earth, the greater our trust, the bigger our vision the more likely we will evidence the results of His grace upon us. 

Dear Heavenly Father,
We praise you for your abounding grace, for the miracle of salvation, and for the peace you offer to place in our hearts.  We confess unto you that we are sinful, that we have rendered ourselves powerless by worshiping others rather than you and trusting in our works to bring harmony in our lives.  We have witnessed heartbreak, upset, discouragement, and realize you have something greater in store for us.  We are thankful for your wisdom, for your grace in all areas of our life, and for your son and our salvation.  We pray this day you provide clarity in our hearts so we may release the past. We ask that you give us vision to see the positive possibilities of our future.  We also ask for your strength to propel us to live unflinchingly this day and in the future believing the best for our lives.  In Jesus most holy name we pray, Amen.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Discoveries!

Discovery… that is a good word discovery!  It is a good descriptor to express a more progressive depiction of living an advanced life.  It is through discovery we learn who we are, where we are going, and what we are seeking.  Sometimes we make discoveries without the intent to even do so, most the time these findings are positive and could be the cause of a breakthrough in our lives.  However, unearthing sorted details of a dark cloud may be cause for undue controversy we never intended to mine.  Needless to say, living an advanced life living on the edge of innovation and discovery is much more interesting than existing in an enclosed universe of nothingness.

I believe you are reading these words because you choose to be an explorer rather than living a life void of creativity, ambition and challenge.  You realize your life is about making a difference, leaving a mark; it is not just about existing, but fulfilling a purpose for your existence.  Of course your days will not be filled only with serious stoic intentions, but smiles, laughter and joy.  You find gratification in pleasure and achievement and base the value of your life upon the realization of your own happiness.

You choose not to be selfish, rather selfless and give the best of yourself to others.  People are thrilled to meet you, excited about working with you and enjoy engaging you in conversation.  These same people feel more successful just knowing you and feel a greater level of encouragement because of your acquaintance.    You bring joy to the world.  In fact, bringing joy to others is one of your mantras.  It is not because you always are bearing gifts, instead it is because you bring many smiles, hope, belief and are convicted to genuinely care for others as it is your true nature.

Being an explorer in life requires we always look for new discoveries.  These discoveries are new friends and acquaintances we meet, ideas we read about, concepts we learn, self-realization of the facts in our life, and of course the influence of others upon our lives to affect positive change.  Today, I want to challenge you to increase the stretch of your reach, to decide to live up to your capabilities, to possess a zest for learning and live with passion fueled by an inner enthusiasm to live voraciously.  Make this your mindset and today you will make a new discovery.

Monday, January 9, 2012

You are Alive!

Life is an adventure!  So many times I hear individuals remark that they really are not that adventurous.  However, we are all explorers living lives of great adventure attached to this rock called the earth. We all are spinning fast around the sun in our galaxy traveling throughout space in our own little part of the universe.  We are all born with only so much time, and in the time we are given, our purpose should be to live all-out full speed ahead!  It is amazing that so many choose to live quiet lives of a mere existence rather than with true bravado.  We owe it to ourselves to live a life filled with adventure.

Our adventures can be many leading us down great paths filled with outrageous love.  So many are scared to reveal the inner nature of who they really are.  They are great lovers who long to pour out the passion in their soul, display their affections and love with true authenticity.  Inside of them is an overflowing spring and those so lucky to encounter these individuals are showered with a cascade of true affection refreshing their hearts with a deluge of caring.  If only these lovers would outwardly reveal their true appearance.

For others, sincerity springs forth from their souls in their attempt to make the world a better place to live and their mark is felt everywhere they trod.  Those who encounter them are filled with peace and long to learn more about them, and are happy to stumble upon their presence.  They build others up, lead with ambition pouring out their energy creating societies and leaving in their wake improved conditions in the hearts and minds of all they meet.

Life is an adventure!  My dear explorer, please choose to live this day and be unafraid to pour out who you are on this world.  You are needed and the love in your heart will never be exhausted.  God will constantly refresh you.  Shower your love everywhere and if you feel it is not reciprocated this day, it is okay, because at some moment if you choose to live expressing the freedom in your heart, you too will feel the rain drops of love upon the aura of your soul.  Your skin will be refreshed and you will be led to a roaring river causing you to stretch yourself and as you move downstream into the delta that leads to the sea where the waters will calm your spirit and you will find yourself in the clutches of another new day.  A day in which you can live with more courage, provide more love and realize your choices will lead you to a greater life.  A life to share with others, a life to dedicated to your own self-improvement in hope to be the change this world so desperately seeks.

Be daring, be bold and live!  You are alive…

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Live Courageously!

Courage is to remain true to yourself, to recognize the best of who you are and to be unafraid to reveal yourself to the world.  In doing so, you transform yourself, gain confidence and live a transcended life.  Living true to yourself creates an internal accounting that provides you a freedom experienced by only those who choose to be holy to themselves.  You join an elite club of individuals who have lived throughout different ages in the annals of time, and find yourself a kindred soul to the greatest throughout eternity.  For you, there is no living a partial life, no regrets, you embrace your past no matter the hurt you have experienced realizing it makes who you are in the future that much more remarkable.  You choose to live, learn, travel, love and to do so voraciously, because it is your inherit nature as your personal decision is to live a life embracing freedom.

You have discovered true peace of mind, freedom from fear, anger and guilt.  You daily make choices to live with deep caring dissolving the nagging anxiety from your past, and propelling your mind and soul to a new level thinking and feeling.  You find yourself in love with you causing a tidal wave of passion to be released drawing events and people into your life leading to a real treasure.   You realize the value of the present, and the presence of those that God has brought into your life providing cause to elevate your level of living.

Courage is a product of faith and sometimes faith is the result of courage.  Your choice to live with bravado and great daring removes all anxiety creating a feeling of liberty freeing your soul and gaining self-sovereignty.  You reinvent yourself and find your self-talk more expressive, and with those whom you engage discover your openness and candor to be refreshing, liberating and enlightening.  You finally arrive at a place in your life, holy ground if you will, to stand tall with arms stretched-out reaching to the heavens above in thanksgiving and praise for this moment.  You pray that God continues to bless you with a shower of peace to be shared with all those whom you meet, embrace and love.

It is our free will that enables us to create our own lives, today declare your independence from bad thinking, those who hold you back; and with self-determination run swiftly onto the field.  Feel the breeze upon your skin, the sun as it warms your lips, smile, choose happiness and allow the gratefulness that dwells deep within spill over upon the souls of all you meet.  This is your day my friend, live courageously!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Elevating your Life with Love...

Love elevates your life!
This past year, I wrote a blog post entitled ‘love’, and stated, “love elevates your life!”  So upon pondering this thought wanted to share how love changes us, provides us with faith, anticipation, and provides a platform of optimism in our lives.  I have been deeply in love before in my life, unfortunately the person of my desires was incapable to remain in love with me, and I learned some things.  I believe that love is a choice, we have to decide to be in love with someone.  The greatest moments in our lives is when we meet someone who causes our internal body chemistry to change and our dopamine levels rise and oxytocin flood our brains.  Okay, that is a little too scientific to seem romantic!  The greatest moment of our lives is when we meet someone whose charisma overtakes us and we cannot help to want to listen to every word, see every smile and experience the sparkle in the eyes of our hopeful lover.   Hopefully, that sounds a little more idealistic and passionate.

Love causes us to become starry-eyed, amorous, and more tender-hearted.  We idealize our love interest, we ignore their faults and get caught up in the state of infatuation.  Infatuation is good to a point, however it does not last.  Another state of love can cause us to lose ourselves and to become what our love interest wants and we surrender ourselves and in the process sacrifice our souls.  Then there is the state of love, the best of all ‘unity within duality’, where we maintain our independence but yet are dependent upon our lover.  Instead of forfeiting our souls, together with the one we love our lives are illuminated realizing through a balance of support and challenge we empower one another to live freely and become more.  In this state, we allow our lover the freedom to grow, provide positive encouragement and support them in their quest to be the best person they can become.  Likewise, we are also encouraged with the same enthusiasm to be who we want to be, and not only are we supported, we are challenged to grow and become more.  Infatuation is about nothing but support, however it is in this state of unity with duality that our lover not only supports us, but challenges to be all we can be.  We must maintain a balance; it is not a state of perpetual challenge beyond our means, a cause for resentment or our relationship will die. 

Love elevates our lives because it is not only our one and only that we love, but our parents, children, other relatives, friends, co-workers and others we reach out to.  We are able to affect change upon all those we touch by remaining positive, optimistic and provide a platform for them to realize their internal power to become more.

Love elevates our lives when we learn to forgive, to say we are sorry, please forgive me and to those who ask for the same, to be able to declare with all earnestness, you are forgiven.  We must forgive to forge our relationships into a state of maturity.  It is not like we will never disappoint or hurt the ones we love, because unfortunately we are human and we must choose to live and love on the same level as God Almighty.

Love elevates our lives when we decide upfront how to handle disagreements, how to fight fairly and engage in exchanges which will ultimately empower our relationships.  Disempowerment is not a choice to be considered, and unfortunately in our society, too many people never address this important issue rather to put it off until a threshold of bitterness ensues and it is nearly too late.  Real love is to grow by learning, studying and growing together with the acknowledgement love needs nurturing.  Staying together is a choice based upon realizing a great relationship requires tending and work, but also realizing the end result is so worthwhile.

Love elevates your life because you are able to give the best of yourself to someone, to share who you are, who you want to become and you allow them to impact your life as they also equally are unafraid to reveal themselves.  Love elevates your life by sharing on all levels physically, mentally, spiritually and you dissolve the worst of who you are in exchange for the positive in your lives and believing the best about one another.

Love elevates your life when you reveal your soul, and you are able to also experience the soul of the one you so most deeply care for, and in doing so experience true freedom.

Love elevates our lives, because the more we love, we discover the more love we are provided and become more capable to love more.