Romance in Motion

Romance in Motion
"The Singing Butler" - Jack Vettriano

Friday, August 29, 2014

First Meeting

Preface:  The whole secret to finding someone special is to embrace and appreciate who they are as they are, rather than imposing your values and tenets.

 “Who are you?”  She remarked as he sat down at a table in front of her.  She said, “Tell me about you, I want to know who you are?”  He was somewhat taken aback, not really sure where to begin as he internally hesitated in an attempt to represent himself as bold rather than brash.  He began to speak and he could see in her eyes and observing her body language that she was truly listening.  However, he really wanted to know her, what moves her, motivates her and provides her a sense of worth and a reason for living. 

 He felt obliged to share with her an abbreviated autobiography limited to broader subjects more appealing and attractive than a dossier of dull self-promotion.  Truly, he was more curious about her rather than concerned about promoting a noteworthy reason for himself being in her life, even for this moment. 

 The conversation between the two strangers from onlookers appeared to be thought-provoking, the subjects a little out of the ordinary for those who rather seek uncomplicated dialogue.  But to this man and woman who just met in a restaurant breaking bread and sharing a moment, the interchange of thoughts revealed a connection unveiling the birth of the beginnings of a spiritual bonding.

 It was obvious to him as he gazed into her eyes that she is truthful and possesses a sense of innocence as she expressed her longing to free herself from material trappings.  He witnessed her virtuous nature unspoiled by the madness in the world.  She seemed free from it all, and he wanted to learn more about her, so he too, could find a way to discover the same place where her soul resides.

 There is a freeing nature about her character, and he found her high level of confidence to be quite attractive and alluring.  He was most definitely enamored with the level of mental intelligence she exhibited about life and the current state of this world.  He longs to learn and discover more about the intelligence that lies in her heart, as without a doubt he is attracted not only to her smile, but essence of soul.  He noticed everything about her and enjoyed the frankness of the conversation and walked away wanting to know more and hoping that she truly does as well. 

 Everyday our life is about our own personal encounters, not only with others, but also with ourselves and the decisions we make.  Those decisions all have a high level of importance because they effect the short term and long term course of our lives.  Always be yourself, and always be true to your highest values and your life will be fulfilled.

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