Romance in Motion

Romance in Motion
"The Singing Butler" - Jack Vettriano

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Love that lasts forever
Dreams that never die
Hope that never fades

All these cliché’s denote all things are eternal and will never perish.
The truth is the only thing that remains forever is God’s love. 
All things human are frail, wither and are temporary.
Relationships come and go and many people are only in our lives for a season.
True commitment relies upon honor that transcends the vows so many make.
Honor doesn’t rely on feelings; rather honor is grounded in a steadfast devotion and allegiance to our highest virtues… faithfulness, loyalty and a pledge with assurance to remain true no matter our circumstances, situations or immediate opinions and way of thinking.

I am truly an idealist and would rather dispel the notions of the cynics and seek optimism and take action.  I would rather choose honor, choose to dream and choose love, and love someone special in a place where there is no space or time. 

I write these words today for those whose feelings are vacillating, for those who have suffered bruised or broken hearts, and felt they have exchanged their dreams for broken promises.  I write these words to remind me to live with honor this day.  None of us are a cliché, nor is our lives, or our thoughts.  Open your eyes and see the open door leading to your dreams.   If you can see your dreams then you can realize them and experience the real freedom you desire in your life. 

We work to gain freedom, and we desire freedom so we may live.

Know this my friend, there is…
Love that does remain forever is vibrant and all encompassing.
Dreams which empower one’s soul and are eternal
And hope is realized when we take the first action step to make a change in our lives.

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